
rating life

i just took this test that is supposed to rate different aspects of your life as well as your overall life quality. i am not so sure i agree with it though as my worse category ended up being the friends/family one! have i been deceiving myself for so long thinking my relationship with both are what keep me going???

This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 7.3
Mind: 7.7
Body: 7.5
Spirit: 6.8
Friends/Family: 5.1
Love: 6.2
Finance: 7.7
Take the Rate My Life Quiz


QM said...

Hic fena egil tangerine. benim ortalamam 7.0 cikti, eh o da bana yeter de artar :) Bu arada yesilerik de benden sana ulasarak yapmis bu testi, istersen onun da bir bloguna bak. Yer yerinden oynamis, herkesin morali sifir :))

YesilErik said...

Merhaba. Bittik, bittik bu test yuzunden :)