
from Giants in the Earth

There were the walls, for example, of which he himself was especially proud, and which Store-Hans never tired of admiring. He had begun work on these walls immediately after he had returned from the trip east to the Hallings' with the potatoes. The lime had been mixed according to directions, and spread over the walls- three coats of it, no less; now the sod hut shone so brightly inside that it dazzled the eyes... Before the snow came, Beret thought it delightful to have such walls; but after there was nothing but whiteness outside- pure whiteness as far as the eye could see and the thought could reach- she regretted that he had touched them. Her eyes were blinded wherever she looked, either outdoors or indoors; the black-brown earthen floor was the only object on which she could rest them comfortably; and so she always looked down now, as she sat in the house.

- O.E. Rolvaag

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